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No Matter Who They Vote, America Will Lose

Image Courtesy of ABC News

It's finally coming to an end, after almost two years of ludicrous behavior by both parties. Americans are finally voting for their next president today. Early polls show that Clinton seems to be ahead in this race but regardless of who wins. Will America be able to move forward? Trumps rallies have at best been a sounding board for all that is wrong with America and at worst bares the resemblance of the beginnings of a civil war. Trumps query at one of his rallies where he pondered if the "second amendmenters might do something" if HRC is elected is both telling and worrying. The far right in America are still reeling from the election of a black president, the introduction of gay marriage rights and the further removal of what they call "Fundamental Christian Ideology" from government. Ironic as America is a secular nation. The venom espoused by many of Trumps supporters can generally be described as hate speech. And don't get me wrong, this writer has no love for H. Clinton either, the way the Clinton camp conspired with the media, the DNC and others to steal the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders is in my opinion tantamount to a crime. Working with her "Super Pacs" which is illegal, to undermine Sanders at every turn. She has lied so many times in the past 18 months that it is almost impossible to tell truth from fiction these days. Both nominees are terrible. America has a population of over 300 million people and somehow the people get to choose from a woman who openly seeks a war with Russia over a pipeline or a man who tells his people that America "is failing with jobs" due to work going over seas. This from a man who has the majority of his franchises made in China. But that is the real issue, Hillary wants war. This will help out her financial donors to the tune of billions of dollars. Trump wants to cut taxes for the rich and build a giant wall to keep "the Mexicans out". All this is unfolding before a world that simply can not bare the brunt of either America starting World War 3 or it becoming an isolationist nation. Trump wonders why "if we have all those nukes, why can't we use em?" to deal with ISIS while Clintons trade deals will see the US economy slump even further. Sure she might say she is now against TTIP but she DID lobby for it 75 times and in recent WIKIleaks she is cited for having "a public opinion and a private opinion". The latter of which is reserved only for her "speeches" that she gives to Goldman Sachs and their ilk. Clintons use of the now childish like feminists in the US has pretty much any minority and woman believing that white males are the problems. "Bernie Bro's" was thier new attack on men after "Obama Boy's" failed to get her elected in 2012. Meanwhile Trump is rather happy of the support he gets from white racists in America to the point that for almost a year of courting their attentions, he never denounced them. Even the KKK were to be "well I don't know, I mean I don't know about these groups" according to Trump. The question remains, what will happen tomorrow? Will Trump cry foul over rigged elections (something he isn't entirely wrong about - again Bernie Sanders) and demand that his supporters "take action" or will HRC start the process of gearing the military up to impose a "no fly zone" over Syria. Time will tell but of this there can be no doubt. Whomever America elect as their next president. America will ultimately lose.

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